Let's look at how the size of the Canon 600D's APS-C sensor compares with other standard sensor sizes. You can find the details of their analysis of Canon 600D here.
Canon 600D sensor has been tested by DxO Mark and got an overall score of 65 for its image quality.
Check the comparison of Canon 600D vs Canon M6 MII or take a look at Highest resolution DSLR cameras list.ĭxOMark is a benchmark that scientifically assesses image quality of camera sensors. Canon M6 MII with its 33.0MP sensor is leading in this class. 600D has a native ISO range of 100 - 6400 which can be boosted to 12800 and it can save files in RAW format which gives you a wider room for post processing.Ĭanon 600D is not the highest resolution APS-C camera. You can shoot at maximum resolution of 5184 x 3456 pixels with aspect ratios of 1:1, 4:3, 3:2 and 16:9. In response to user suggestions, the Standard setting gives a very crisp, vivid appearance. All EOS digital cameras with Picture Styles use the STANDARD setting as the factory default. Canon 600D has a 18.0MP APS-C (22.3 x 14.9 mm ) sized CMOS sensor and features Digic 4 processor. Canon sendiri sudah menyediakan 13 buah picture style, dan pada setiap kamera EOS digital sudah terdapat 6 buah preset picture style yang tepasang.